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Contributions have made WordPress









发表于 2024-1-28 13:33:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Don’t worry though if you don’t know the first thing about web development or what PHP stands for, if you’re passionate, you can start contributing to WordPress in another way and learn while at it. Who knows, you might be a lead developer in a couple of months. Other areas in which you can involve yourself as a developer include WordPress theme and plugin development, mobile tech and documentation among others.

Web Designer/UXer
Previously, we looked into how the WordPress admin UI has evolved over the years. It has morphed from a bland platform to a beautiful and powerful CMS. The beautiful and elegant user interface is the work of web designers and UXers just like you.

WordPress is an open source project aka the combined work of thousands Country Email List  of contributors, so nobody is paid to put the design together. The design is sketched and brought to life by contributor designers and UXers. Their  what it is today, in terms of design. Of course, we are yet to see and experience the beauty and genius of your contribution, so don’t keep us waiting.

Perhaps it’s your contribution that will lead to an overhaul of the entire admin area to a more pleasant design. Perhaps it’s your contribution that will lead to a more streamlined user experience.

As a web designer or user experience expert, you can contribute also towards the WordPress mobile project, because we all know mobile is the future, and the theme review team to ensure only the best designed themes get to the end user. In general, your main duty as a contributing designer is to make WordPress beautiful. Sounds great right?

WordPress Writer
If you have a knack for words, there’s room for you as well. As a growing project, WordPress is in constant need of updated documentation. This is where you make your entry; where you shine as a writer.

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