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Inbound marketing: what it is, how it works and its importance









发表于 2024-5-15 16:06:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The discussion about what Inbound Marketing is began in 2009 , with the release of the book Inbound Marketing: Get Found Using Google, Social Media and Blogs , by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah.
In short, Inbound Marketing is a revolutionary strategy that aims to attract customers and facilitate their path to conversion, using a trail of content relevant to the target audience.
Unlike Latvia Email List traditional Marketing tactics – which seek conversion actively and sometimes even invasively – Inbound attracts the attention of potential buyers using channels such as social media, email and blog pages to obtain success .
Inboun arketing is one of the most efficient strategies for attracting audiences within digital environments, especially for companies that want to build a more lasting relationship with their customers , without focusing only on immediate conversion.
What is Inbound Marketing and what does an Inbound Marketing consultancy do?
Inbound Marketing is a compilation of strategies and actions that aim to attract consumers interested in your company on a voluntary basis, different from traditional Marketing, which focuses on invasive advertisements. Inbound Marketing focuses on the relationship between a brand and its audience and on educating this potential customer on a specific subject.
There is a lot of talk about this, but few people really understand what Inbound Marketing is, how this strategy works, its applications in Digital Marketing and the like. In this article, we will explain in detail all the concepts about Inbound and how this new form of Marketing is revolutionizing the relationship between consumers and companies.
Summary about Inbound Marketing
To resolve once and for all the doubt about what Inbound Marketing is, we must understand its purpose and, to this end, we can classify it as a strategy or a set of strategies focused on voluntarily attracting the interest of people who browse the Internet. Therefore, Inbound Marketing is also called Attraction Marketing.

How Inbound changed Marketing
Until then, traditional Marketing was the reigning form of communication between companies and consumers. In conventional Marketing (Outbound Marketing), it was the company that initiated the conversation with the consumer, that is, the company that sent the first message to its audience. To do this, they used media that had great potential and power of dissemination, such as newspapers, television commercials, magazines, among others.
The big problem with Outbound is that, although these companies had a large volume of advertising distribution, they had little personalization power, often resulting in consumers seeing advertisements that they did not like. Outbound still works well, but companies began to notice that this alone was not enough, as the message was lost and discarded when it reached the wrong person.

With the arrival of the Internet, consumers began to have total control over their preferences, with it only up to them to decide what to read, what to buy, what to watch, etc. This means that, when a company sends an aggressive advertisement to a person, they will easily become irritated by it and completely discard the message – and, in the worst case scenario, the advertiser. Today, more than 40% of the entire world population is present on the Internet (this represents 3.75 billion people). In Brazil alone, we have more than 100 million people connected.

Following this concept and ideology, Inbound Marketing began to take shape. After all, if the consumer is so easy to ignore all your efforts to show you advertising, the best solution is to get that person to see you. Therefore, one of Inbound's main priorities is to be found, as being seen has become secondary. Hence, Attraction Marketing.

Differences between Inbound and Outbound Marketing
In traditional forms of Marketing, known as Outbound, communication is unidirectional, that is, only from the company to the consumer. In this way, companies impose tons of advertisements in front of their consumers in every place they come into contact with: on a billboard on the avenue where they work, commercials during newspaper breaks on television or even on banners on the news portal they access. . In Outbound Marketing, the consumer did not ask for or want to see that advertisement, but was impacted by the advertiser.
In Inbound Marketing, companies create strategies, analyzes and draw profiles to understand their consumers, who are increasingly critical and selective. With little effort, he can completely block a brand's image and never have contact with a certain company on the Internet again. With just one click, he can skip the opening and advertisement before watching a video on YouTube, and so on. Today's consumer does not want to be interrupted by invasive and repetitive advertisements.
Therefore, Inbound is an excellent strategy for attracting consumers who are interested in your product or service, but without impacting them in a negative way. Inbound also focuses on transmitting your message to everyone interested in your brand or product at the moment they search for it.
Several studies show that the conversion rate of leads in an Inbound Marketing strategy is much higher than in traditional Marketing. Furthermore, Inbound spends 62% less than traditional ways to generate a lead, according to this HubSpot study . The reason for these differences is that, in an Inbound strategy, we speak to the right person when they are looking for our product, company or service.
Why is it important to have good Inbound Marketing consultancy?
Inbound Marketing consultancy has highly qualified professionals to understand customer needs and offer the best solutions for each case, being able to not only improve resuts, but also use available resources more efficiently, whether in terms of time or finance!
How Inbound Marketing works
See how Inbound Marketing consultancy works to boost your business.
By now, you already understand what Inbound Marketing is. Now, it's time to see how it works. The entire Inbound methodology follows a sequence of logical steps and actions: attract, convert, relate, sell and analyze. Furthermore, another very important point about Inbound is that it focuses on delighting consumers. This is what we call the purchasing journey.

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