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Madrid against everyone









发表于 2024-3-12 16:36:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The daily absurdity of the President of the Community, like that of Donald Trump , is not an accident, but the culmination of management trajectories and ways of understanding politics that come from further afield: a strategy of confrontation and the systematic lie. Added to this is classism and hatred of the public. AGAINST SPAIN First, because Madrid is closely related to its neighboring provinces, which have more restrictive policies in the fight against the virus, but many of its citizens work or come to open shops or restaurants in the capital, suffering from the induced hospital pressure. Second, because the systematic opposition to the consensus sought among the Autonomous Communities deteriorates the environment.

Citizens in the middle of the “war”, and because their crusade “I will not be responsible for the collapse of the Madrid hospitality industry” , puts those who prioritize the lives of the people, in a difficult situation in the face of a sector with protest mobilizations. Afterwards, because Madrid is not “Spain within Spain”, but rather a privileged Community due to its status as capital and communications center. Its current lack of solidarity is in line with the formation of Madrid as a tax haven Belgium Mobile Number List that sucks resources and assets from an emptied Spain. From the beginning, the PP has assigned the Community of Madrid the role of battering ram against the central government FROM THE BEGINNING, the PP has assigned the Community of Madrid the role of battering ram against the central government. The pandemic (unlike other countries, even other Communities governed by the same party) has not stopped this irresponsible attitude but has accentuated it.

There is no statement on any issue that does not include an attack on people or government policies. What is surprising is that she simultaneously presents herself as a harassed victim when the treatment received by the Minister of Health or other officials has been exquisite. Perhaps too much, when they have not even defended themselves from said attacks (even if it were easy to do so). The government allocated 1,500 million euros to the Community of Madrid in a first installment - of which there is no information on its use -, with the Community benefiting the most. It must be repeated a thousand times that the Autonomous Communities have the powers of health, personnel, purchasing, contracting, everything. Whether Madrid assumes the Bolsonaro or Trump theses has its consequences. The first to de-escalate and the last to confine. Anything goes: if there are no central orders, he criticizes it, if there are, he denounces it and ignores them.

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