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Terrestrial television stations are divided into









发表于 2024-2-17 14:04:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A key station is a broadcast station that is the center of a network network for broadcasting programs. On the other hand, a local station is a broadcasting station that covers a certain area, and basically broadcasts programs produced by key stations, such as weather forecasts and information programs, with some exceptions. An independent U station is a broadcasting station that does not belong to a key station network and broadcasts for each prefecture.

Broadcasting fees for commercials increase as the number of Benin Phone Number List viewers increases, so the fees decrease in the order of key stations, local stations, and independent U stations.Satellite broadcasting is also divided into "BS broadcasting" and "CS broadcasting." BS broadcasting is broadcasting that uses broadcasting satellites. CS broadcasting is broadcasting that uses communication satellites. Communication satellites have a lower radio wave output than broadcasting satellites, so CS broadcasting used to require the use of large antennas, but now antennas are becoming smaller.Broadcast fees for commercials are set higher for BS broadcasts than for CS broadcasts.Spot CM/ Time CMBroadcast fees vary depending on whether it is a spot commercial or a time commercial .A spot commercial is a commercial that is aired at a set approximate time without specifying a program.

For spot commercials, you can purchase time slots starting from 15 seconds.On the other hand, time commercials are commercials that are sponsored by a specific program and aired. In the case of time commercials, the price varies greatly depending on viewership, broadcast area, and availability display. Regarding the display of the offer, 30-second commercials may display "This item was provided by the sponsor you are viewing," 60-second commercials may display "company name or product name," and 90-second commercials may display "company or product name including a simple catchphrase." , will be played at the end of the program.

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