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Llop accuses the PP of scaring older people so that









发表于 2023-12-17 15:41:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Minister of Justice, Pilar Llop, accused the PP this Wednesday of alarming the entire population, but especially the elderly, with the "problem" of illegal occupation of homes. "Do not scare the elderly, especially the elderly, many do not go on vacation in the summer because you tell them that you are going to occupy their houses," he replied. to the 'popular' in Congress. This is how Llop responded in the Government control session to a question from deputy Jaime de Olano, who asked the minister what measures she has to stop the occupations. The PP has denounced that this is a phenomenon that "does not stop growing under the protection of the passivity" of the PSOE with the "encouragement" of Unidas Podemos. The PP deputy asked Llop if he shares the words of Irene Montero, Minister of Equality and his colleague in the Government, that 'squatting' is an "invention of the right." Jaime de Olano has pointed out that the evolution of the PSOE in this matter is "frankly alarming." «Between 2011 and 2015», the socialists had a «moderate position and defended the right of the owners», but «with the appearance of Podemos they were turning little by little and they began to put themselves in profile and adopt the same position of denying the existence of this problem," he has drawn.

He has indicated that illegal occupations have skyrocketed by 46 percent since the PSOE returned to La Moncloa, with Catalonia as the "paradise of the 'squatters' and the hell of the owners", the autonomous community where "it is most accentuated", he specified, before adding that the problem does not only affect the most populated territories of the country, but also extends for "all of Spain." «A 'squatter' is not evicted, he is evicted and the sooner the better. And the vulnerable are protected," claimed Olano, who has called the current legislation "inefficient" and has questioned whether, in his  Job Function Email List opinion, the lack of definition of the PSOE on this matter will be a "bargaining currency" when negotiating the Budgets of 2023 with ERC or Bildu, who "defend 'squatting' and attack the owners". At the same time, the PP has criticized the minister that there is talk on the street about the occupations, and not about the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) in the Metro, as Llop herself stated. SOCIAL PERSPECTIVE For her part, the head of Justice has charged from the platform against the party led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo for wanting to alarm society and trying to appeal to the "vote of fear",< a i=1> "little less than saying that if they come down to buy bread they will occupy your houses.

He has maintained that the PP lives "with its back turned" to the problem, turning a deaf ear to the fact that the associations of judges agree that there are tools to combat this type of crime and not differentiating between trespassing, when the legitimate owners are in the occupied home, and usurpation, when no one lives in it. Llop has made them ugly by addressing the issue of housing without social sensitivity, both in occupancy and in the increase in prices, respecting the owners and vulnerable people. And he has pointed out that citizens are not so concerned about the penalties that Justice may impose on the occupiers and that the PP proposes increasing, but that "there are no occupations, that they be definitively ended." and if there are any, the eviction will be swift.We want to address emotional health from a comprehensive perspective,” said Vilagrà, in reference to perinatal grief. THREE DAY PERMIT The leave for pregnant people is a measure that recognizes gestational grief with a three-day leave to "contribute" to this grieving process that covers the loss between week 6 and the 25th week of pregnancy. The measure, which is applied once the medical discharge is given, can be extended to the other parent or to a relative up to a second degree that the pregnant person decides, so that single-parent families "can choose" to be accompanied by someone from their surroundings.

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