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Priest Juan Rubio thinks it is fabulous that Hans Küng wants to commit suicide









发表于 2023-12-11 15:26:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A few weeks ago it became public that the publishing house PPC, of ​​the SM (Marianist) group, had decided to dismiss the priest from Jaen, Juan Rubio, as director of the magazine Vida Nueva. Since then, it is likely that Fr. Rubio has written interesting things or is embarking on one of the projects mentioned in the PPC press release, but it was today that I read something of his authorship. It turns out that the theologian Hans Küng, who suffers from Parkinson's, has published what is surely the last book of his life. And I'm not saying it's the last one to say. The thing is that in it he assures that he intends to die when he really wants to . He affirms: "I, a Catholic theologian, want to decide when and how I should die." That phrase is a summary of what that poor man understands by being Catholic.

It consists of saying and doing what you want and when you want. And if one has become fed up with life because he is sick or for any other reason - does he who has physical handicaps suffer more than he who lives in endless depression? - Well, he kills himself and holy Easter. Given that assisted suicide is legal and the order of the day in Switzerland, it is very likely that one day we will have breakfast headlines reporting thatJob Function Email List Küng has committed suicide . Now, that Küng thinks that should not surprise anyone. Many decades ago he decided to make a living from the exciting profession of “public trampler of the Catholic faith” that he had stopped professing. That someone like this was simply removed from Catholic teaching and not suspended a divinis and excommunicated, is one of the symptoms of the crisis of post-conciliar Catholicism, but that is another topic.

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The fact is that the priest Juan Rubio has not thought of anything better than to affirm that Küng's theses are the proof of cotton for Pope Francis . I quote : I leave some ideas exposed in the book and that, with certainty, will raise blisters, while in the Church the reaction of Rome will be awaited. A cotton test for Pope Francis. -If life is a gift from God, why not accept the possibility of returning it to him with gratitude and generosity. -If you believe in Eternal Life, as the Church teaches, there is no reason to unnecessarily prolong the joy of living that eternity, if they occur in extreme circumstances" (To this end he gives the example of the martyrdom of the first Christians before the tortures. They preferred to die rather than renounce the faith). -The principle of Human Dignity includes dignity in the last stage, death.

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