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发表于 2024-3-7 14:15:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
It is also advisable to add a link to  You can place either at the top of the page or at the bottom, but it is important that the user accepts it (or not) if they want to continue using the page.A spa invests €130 per month for 9 months and collects €4,083 [Case Study] Share on whatsapp Share on linkedin Share on facebook Share on twitter Woman smelling a flower in a spa If on another occasion we present you with a success story from a real Spalopia client: This Spa earns €22,000 in 9 months by investing only €2,000 ; This time I want to introduce you to another spa that, with a very low investment, has started in the online world. It is true, the economic results are discreet, but from my point of view, they are quite encouraging because they give us an idea of ​​the potential that the online channel has to generate income that previously did not exist. Let's see the details: From hidden hotel spa to independent spa It usually happens that a spa starts out as just another service within the hotel and, at some point, the hotel or spa managers consider giving it a boost so that it becomes a space accessible from the outside.

To limit the impact of the pool's fixed costs: whether there are clients or not, the pool requires maintenance: cleaning staff and products, water heating, etc. These costs can range from €1,500 for a medium-sized spa to €10,000 for a large spa. B) To attract Binance App Users Data a new public to use the spa facilities and all its services: as a consequence derived from the previous one, spas need to supply themselves with people and hotel guests are not always enough (especially if they already have it included in the price of their stay and do not consume additional services). C) To increase profits and make the spa profitable: more people, more income. It is not about overcrowding the spa, but nor about being so restrictive in access that it ends up being a ruin for the hotel.

Getting the spa off the ground alone with an investment of €130 per month Be that as it may, this is what we found when this spa came to us for advice and these were some of our recommendations: Create a different web space for the spa to create a true community of people interested in the spa's services and to have control over their prices. Having a program to manage spa appointments , which was already necessary to keep track of the hotel guests' appointments but was now vital because the number of people who would come to the spa would be much greater and a quality service had to be provided. maximum quality. Insert a booking engine that would allow users to request an appointment to reach a large number of people who already use the Internet and who needed to be attracted to increase the spa's income. We knew perfectly well that all our initiatives would take time to become effective but seen now, after nine months, the results are interesting: With an investment of €1,235 (between monthly fees and commissions) this spa has managed to raise a total of €4,083 through the online channel , with costs being 30% of total sales.

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