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Good news is that you can avoid









发表于 2024-3-6 16:06:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Drastic drops in your website's visibility caused by, among others: subsequent algorithm updates. The bad news is that it requires constant action and a wellthoughtout strategy. Sure, you can act locally and improve something quickly. In the long run, it will simply backfire on you, e.g. during the next update. A very important element of the SEO strategy that will help you survive the Google algorithm update is wellthoughtout content marketing. Created  of course  in accordance with the most uptodate search engine requirements.

Google expects, among others: unique content throughout the website, empathetic approach to users' needs and intentions, various forms of content prepared for specific target groups and situations, expertise confirmed by sources, clear, transparent Algeria WhatsApp Number structure. So make sure that your SEO copywriters or, as you call content creators in your company know not only the rules of linguistic correctness, but also UX and psychology issues. Update algorithmsenuto How to know that an update is coming ? I supposedly said that sometimes it's hard to look for information about subsequent updates, but you know very well that it's not true. If a given update is larger,

Google often lets you know about it a moment in advance. Just stay up to date with industry news. For this purpose, you can add pages such as: Search Engine Land, Neil Patel Blog, Search Engine Journal. Moreover, if you are lucky enough to have a Twitter account, follow, among others: Google SearchLiaison account, i.e. the official Google profile. That's where a lot of information appears first. However, I warn you  they are often very laconic in nature, so there is no point in looking for clear instructions on how to protect yourself against possible inheritances. Post author: Analysis of increases or decreases after Algorithm Update – how to verify changes in the search engine? iza Sykut Content Manager SenutoIzabela Sykut, content designer and content manager at Senuto. At work, he looks for .

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